It’s beautiful early fall outdoors and most people enjoy a walk or around the neighbor enjoying all of the fall colors. But with street crimes increasing in most large U.S. cities, it’s more important than ever that you protect yourself when jogging/walking in your neighborhood.
A few tips:
• Be alert for loiterers and do not interact with them.
• Don’t carry large sums of money in your wallet, if you’re a man, or a purse, if you’re a woman.
• If possible, stay out of bad parts of town and if you have to, travel with another person. This is especially true after dark.
• Never hitchhike or accept rides from strangers. Believe it or not, the majority of women who are raped by strangers were hitchhiking at the time.
• Walk on the side of the street nearest to oncoming traffic. If accosted by someone in a car, run in the direction opposite the way the car is headed.
• Beware of people who approach asking directions; keep a safe distance. Just say “Sorry” and keep moving if you are in an unsafe area or simply don’t like the guys looks. You have no obligation to be friendly or helpful to strangers on the street.
• If you think someone might be following you, speed up. If they speed up also, cross the street in mid-block. If they do also, start running and yelling loud. Create a scene. Make a spectacle of yourself. Get out in the middle of the street and try to wave down a car. Much better to make a fool of yourself in front of a bunch of strangers than to end up in a hospital or morgue.
But more importantly carry UDAP Bear Spray or a UDAP Stun Gun! You can purchase both online at UDAP.COM today! So go on your walk and jog, enjoy the great fall colors and be SAFE!