The Difference between a Black Bear and a Grizzly Bear

Have you ever wondered what the differences between a black bear and a grizzly bear are? One major difference is the size. Size can vary depending on the age and gender of the bear. An adult black bear can be larger than a sub-adult (juvenile) grizzly bear. Size can also vary among geographic areas, as well.
Please note that there are many physical indicators between a black bear and a grizzly bear: and they vary with sex and age, so size is also not a reliable indicator. Identifying the type of bear that you see is important for your safety and to protect bears. When you know if it’s a grizzly or a black bear, you can then decide on the best actions to take.

The Difference between a Black Bear and a Grizzly Bearbear spray

Don’t forget to always carry your UDAPBear Deterrent!

The Difference between a Black Bear and a Grizzly Bear